Constructs, News Magazine for Yale School of Architecture,
Yale school of Architecture, 2020

Editor: Nina Rappaport
In a collaboration with Hyo Kwon
Constructs is a bi-annual news magazine highlighting activities and events at the Yale School of Architecture. The large-format, 28-page publication features interviews with visiting professors, previews, and reviews of exhibitions, symposia, and lectures sponsored by the school, as well as faculty and alumni news. It also has feature articles on issues relevant to discussions in the design studios and on architectural events worldwide.

Constructs (콘스트럭트) 는 예일대학교 건축학과에서 매년 2회 발행하는 뉴스 매거진이다. 매거진은 28 페이지로 구성된 뉴스 프린트 형식의 큰 책자이다. 학교 내부의 심포지엄, 전시 리뷰 뿐만 아니라 전세계의 디자인과 건축 전반에 관한 담론들을 다룬다.

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